SPOILERS: Kylie Jenner ‘shed tears’ repeatedly in this week’s episodes of The Kardashians, and this time, it was Kim K who revealed evidence of Kylie’s CHEATING: ‘I don’t like Kylie casually two-timing like this’ (video)

Kylie Jenner broke down in tears on this week’s episode of The Kardashians.

After internet trolls said she looked ‘old’ in unfiltered pictures taken at Paris Fashion Week back in January.

Candid images of the 26-year-old went viral earlier this year and in a conversation with her sister Kendall on Wednesday’s show.

Kylie complained about how people had been making fun of her face.

She said a photo of herself was sweeping the internet after she decided not to wear a lot of makeup.

Kylie said that if she wore a lot of makeup, people would she she was wearing ‘too much makeup,’ 

But if she went in the opposite direction, people would also criticize her on social media.

In particular, she was hurt that fans — as well as cosmetic dermatologists and professionals experienced with injecting fillers and Botox — had pointed out diagonal lines running through her plump cheeks.

Some fans and professionals had speculated that she had used too much filler below her eyes and over her cheek bones, creating the prominent crease.

However, the lines can be visible on anyone, even in children, and Kylie claimed that the feature had always been prominent on her going back to when she was a child.

After she met up with her sister Kendall and attempted to prank their mother Kris Jenner on the series, they headed back to Kylie’s home for what ended up being a heart to heart. 

They started out in a jubilant mood, but the conversation took a darker, more emotional turn as the cosmetics mogul made a major confession about how deeply the trolling comments about her appearance at Paris Fashion Week had hurt her, particularly because she had toned down her makeup and fillers.

Kylie, who was wearing a chic dark blue denim jacket and matching jeans, noted that it’s hard to spend time with her sisters because they’re so busy.

‘Well that was a failure,’ she said as Kendall agreed that they were the ‘worst prankers.’

‘But, I love hanging out with you!’ Kylie said.

But then she confessed that it was a ‘miracle’ that she still had any ‘confidence’ left and that she could look in a mirror and ‘think that I’m pretty.’

Kylie complained to her sister about how people had been making fun of her online after she stepped out in the City of Lights for Paris Fashion Week.

She said a photo had gone around of herself after she decided not to wear a lot of makeup.

Kylie said that if she wore a lot of makeup, people would she she was wearing ‘too much makeup,’ but if she went in the opposite direction, people would also criticize her on social media.

In particular, she was hurt that fans — as well as cosmetic dermatologists and professionals experienced with injecting fillers and botox — had pointed out diagonal lines running through her plump cheeks.

Some fans and professionals had speculated that she had used too much filler below her eyes and over her cheek bones, creating the prominent crease.

However, the lines can be visible on anyone, even in children, and Kylie claimed that the feature had always been prominent on her going back to when she was a child. 

‘I just hear nasty things about myself all the time,’ Kylie admitted in the confessional interview.  

The billionaire reality star and cosmetics mogul wondered aloud to her sister why people didn’t more prominently defend her online. 

‘I’m kind of like, so numb to people talking about my looks at this point, and I just want to know why on the internet no one says anything or thinks that it’s OK,’ she said.

Kendall said it was an issue for the whole family, and they were ‘dehumanized’ in the public eye.

‘They don’t think that there are any rules with us,’ she said, adding that people don’t think they have ‘any feelings.’

‘If you talked the same way you talk about us about any other woman, people would come to their defense all day long,’ Kendall added. 

Kylie was particularly upset because she was trying to find a new, more natural looking, and she confessed to being on a ‘journey’ over the past year in which she dissolved ‘half’ of her lip filler.

‘I think with me it’s never going to change,’ Kylie said, before pausing as tears started to well up in her eyes. 

As she brushed them away, Kendall took a seat next to hear and wrapped her in a hug.

‘Why do people think it’s OK to talk about me?’ Kylie asked through her tears.

She said she hadn’t cried about the mean comments before, and as the tears slowed she shared how she occasionally sees defensive comments, but others claim online that it’s fine to criticize her looks because ‘she did it to herself.’

‘”She f***ed up her face. She has so much surgery,”‘ she recalled reading. 

Kylie said people had complained about her looks even before she got fillers, and she seemed distressed that people say she looks ‘old,’ though Kendall claimed she looked younger than ever.

The model said they would never get past the comments, as people would always assume they had both gotten ‘full facial reconstructions.’

‘I can’t let the comments get me down,’ Kylie said. ‘I can’t let the comments get me down. I have s*** to do. Rise above.’

Earlier, Kendall had cut out from the Balenciaga show her sister Kim Kardashian had been at in Beverly Hills to visit Kylie’s house.

The model brought along an adorably fluffy puppy, which they wanted to introduce to their mother Kris’ dog Bridgette.

Bridgette, like the puppy, appeared to be a Poodle mix, and Kylie and Kendall admitted they had always wanted to style Bridgette like a traditional Poodle with most of her hair trimmed short and accented with longer poofs.

‘Hair grows, why not at least try,’ Kendall said.

Kylie worried that their mother might be furious if she suddenly discovered her dog had gotten a drastic haircut, though Kendall thought their reality show might help them out of a jam.

‘Because the cameras are on, I don’t think she’ll get that mad,’ Kendall added.

‘I think I’m good at pranks…’ Kylie later said in a confessional, though she sounded unsure of herself and trailed off.

The two made their way over to Kris’ home and snuck in before calling out for Bridgette.

The dog cautiously turned a corner and started to walk toward them, but Kendall and Kylie were disappointed to see that she had recently had a haircut, so her hair was too short for their intended cut.

They ran into another obstacle when Kris’ boyfriend Corey Gamble appeared and looked confused about why they were in the house unannounced. 

Then they met in the kitchen to fess up.

‘We came over here to… steal Bridget… and the groomer’s waiting at my house to cut her like a Poodle,’ Kylie admitted haltingly to Kris, who seemed more surprised than angry.

‘How can you not prank me? It’s so easy!’ Kris added in confessional. ‘What the f*** is wrong with you guys?’

But Kylie vowed that they would think of a more substantial prank later.

As they were leaving with the puppy, Kylie let out a high-pitched squeak that confused Kris, and she head to explain that it was a hiccup.

‘That’s your hiccup?!’ Kris responded, as she had apparently never heard the unusual mouse-like squeal, and Kendall admitted that she sounded the same when she hiccupped.

The episode opened on Beverly Hills as Kim prepared for an all-star Balenciaga fashion show happening out in the open.

Fittingly, her model sister Kendall joined her, and the two walked along a closed-down street while navigating crowds of models and crew preparing the show.

‘Every Balenciaga show is such a moment, so it’s really fun to see it all come to life,’ Kim gushed later in her confessional interview.

She noted that her sister Khloé Kardashian didn’t join them despite being invited, and she added with some venom in her voice that her younger sister didn’t come because the fashion show was ‘outdoors’ and in the ‘daylight.’

Kim then explained that she thinks Khloé may be suffering from agoraphobia, though it’s not clear if she thought it might be a clinical case, or just that her sister is turning into a homebody.

‘I get it, but it’s time to break out of it,’ she added with audible annoyance.

Kim noted that she is officially a brand ambassador for Balenciaga, even though people had assumed she was long before that after she began wearing numerous outfits from the Spanish fashion house.

Kim’s ex-husband Kanye West had previously collaborated with Balenciaga, but the luxury fashion line severed their ties in 2022 in the wake of antisemitic comments the rapper made. 

Kim also noted that she was getting ready to pitch a new comedy film, which she will presumably star in, so she was branching out and even busier than usual.

While she was at the fashion show, it cuts away to reveal other stars walking with the models, including Brigitte Nielsen and Cardi B.

After the show, Kim had more on her plate as she drove around to five film studios around town to pitch a new comedy film she would presumably star in.

The film was tentatively titled The Fifth Wheel, and it was written by the married team of Paula Pell —who wrote for SNL and 30 Rock — and Janine Brito.

While she was being chauffeured, her agent Brad Slater was giving her a pep talk.

‘I know you’re more nervous than me—’ Kim began.

‘I’m not nervous, I’m excited for you,’ Brad replied.

He reminded her that she had done so many things in her career, but pitching a movie written for her was a new adventure.

Kim said she was staying calm because she doesn’t get excited for things until they’re confirmed. That way she doesn’t get let down if they fall through.

Then the action cut to Khloé Kardashian ahead of a brief exit from her mansion. 

‘Breaking news, guys! I am leaving Hidden Hills!’ she gushed, but she wasn’t going far from home, and her excuse was that Kourtney might go into labor at any moment.

The Revenge body star was taking a trip to see some baby goats at a petting zoo with her BFF Malika Haqq, who joined her in the passenger seat of her Rolls-Royce.

The two got to talking about Malika recent dating attempts, after she paused her plans to use a sperm bank to help her have a child. 

‘I am not open for business — you are!’ Khloé said, as she emphasized that she wanted to be single for a while.

But she was happy for her friend and approved of her trying to find a real partner before resulting to an anonymous sperm donor. 

While they talked about a date that didn’t end well with an insistent suitor who wouldn’t stop texting Malika, Khloe admitted that she had been turned on when her ex-husband Lamar Odom found out they had the same business manager and sought out her contact info after she wouldn’t give him her number. She found his persistence sexy.

While driving, Khloé also complained that they couldn’t have as much fun in public anymore because there are phones everywhere now.

In a confessional, Khloe admitted she didn’t want to start dating again because it might ‘f*** up’ her kids, and she had been disappointed by her recent romantic interests.

The show cut back to Kim in her car after she had finished her first pitch. 

She told her agent that the executives she met with all seemed interested, but she hoped to get a bigger offer. 

At the end of the meeting, she said she had so much going on that ‘unless we’re going to be the biggest commercial movie and have the best cast and break the internet,’ she wouldn’t be able to give it her all.

In a confessional, she admitted she would have to give something up, and the producer asked her what it would be. 

‘My sleep,’ she responded without a pause. 

Back at the goat farm, Khloé gushed over how ‘cute’ the little animals were.

‘True would die,’ Khloé said, before FaceTiming her daughter, who clearly loved the animals, even as they tried to eat Khloé’s jacket and bite Malika.

Khloé admitted she ‘definitely didn’t think everything through,’ such as how the goats ‘poop little pellets’ and ‘pee everywhere’ and have a tendency to hump each other.

‘Classic Carl,’ an employee said of one particularly sexed-up goat.

‘Pets and men are two different things,’ Khloé said, because pets only require food and petting.

While at the farm, a group of visiting school children saw Khloé and shouted her name.

She said ‘hi’ back to them and gave a group of young girls a big hug.

Khloé had a ‘hard time’ believing eight- or nine-year-old girls would know who she was, but she still spent a few minutes with them and gave them high fives.

Back in the confessional, she told her producer that she ‘100 percent’ expects to be married again in the future. 

Then Kim’s Hollywood journey continued as she went out to dinner after a busy day with her ‘lifers,’ a group of her female friends she had know since they were teens, which included hr pals Allison Statter, Zoe Winkler, Simone Harouche and Sarah Meyer Michaelson.

Kim mentioned how they were all aging, as she found the menu blurry and could no longer see her phone close up, which just suddenly happened one day.

She was first coy about her ‘project,’ but then she admitted she had sold a romantic comedy to Netflix after her friends begged her for details.

Kim explained that until recently she didn’t have an agent, but after she appeared on American Horror Story she began meeting with interested agents, one of whom mentioned Paula Pell.

Kim recounts explaining the plot of The Fifth Wheel, which would feature four women going on a trip, and she compared it to The Hangover films, Bridesmaids and The First Wives Club.

She said the studio executive had all loved the idea, and each studio gave her agent a call 20 minutes later with offers, though she elected to go with Netflix, which tends to offer more money up front, as there won’t be a chance to make any performance-based bonuses since the film will only be available on the streaming service. 

After her good news, Zoe jokingly wondered why Kim didn’t mention that she was going to pitch a movie in the girls’ group chat. 

But Kim explained that she didn’t want to get ahead of herself with a new career.

She told the ladies that she would be one of the stars of the film, while also producing the movie, and now she could relax because it had been sold to a distributor. 

Then, in a self deprecating moment, Kim joked that she could do about one movie per year going forward, and she said she would have about 10 years left in which she would look good.

After those 10 busy years she could finally take some time off.

Then Kim continued to gush about how her friend Amy Schumer — who has previously appeared on The Kardashians — had written her to say she wanted to be in the film.

Kim admitted she was ‘proud’ that Amy and others wanted to join her project. 

‘You think I can do that?’ she recalled thinking about the offers for the film started pouring in.

‘I’m tripping the f*** out, low-key,’ Kim said, but she cautioned that she still had to ‘deliver.’

But then Kim starting worrying about the logistics of being a movie star. 

‘I also feel like you need less botox for more emotion, and I don’t have it,’ she joked to her friends.

She also ruled out any Raging Bull–style body transformations. 

‘I’m not gonna be gaining 500 pounds for a role and losing,’ she continued as her friends chuckled. ‘That’s just not where I’m going to be.’

The final — and longest — section of the episode was devoted to her sister Kourtney Kardashian, her husband Travis Barker and the birth of their first child together, whom they had named Rocky. 

On October 29, 2023, Kourtney and Travis were sitting in bed looking at old photos of themselves on his phone when she announced that she had had a contraction.

‘My baby’s about to pop,’ Travis said gleefully.

He said it would be the first ‘natural birth’ he had experienced, and he said he would be filming Rocky as he was born.

But Kourtney objected, saying she didn’t want him to be ‘down there.’ 

She said she didn’t want Travis to be ‘traumatized by your favorite thing in the world.’

Later that night the lovebirds drove to the hospital, and Kourtney joked that Rocky was waiting for a Halloween birthday.

Both parents guessed that Rocky would weigh exactly eight pounds.

Then Kourtney looked back to a traumatic event months earlier when doctors had discovered fluid in Rocky’s lungs, which was ‘super rare,’ but they were ‘lucky’ to have caught it.

Kourtney filmed herself on her phone from her hospital bed and admitted she was ‘filled with fear’ after the surgery.

Things seemed to take a downturn when the fluid returned to Rocky’s lungs.

But then Kourtney saw a video on the power of positive thinking, and after she tried to focus on optimistic thoughts, she claimed that the fluid had completely disappeared.

‘It’s time to go,’ she whispered then as she prepared to birth Rocky.

A nurse attending to her said she was one to two centimeters dilated and had some bleeding, which didn’t concern her.

But then it was 10 in the morning on October 30, and Kourtney revealed that she had gotten up to three centimeters dilated by 4 a.m., but there was no progress after that. 

She was seen bouncing on a big rubber ball in her hospital gown and moving in circles to stimulate the labor while talking on the phone with her family.

Kourtney even wondered if she should cool it with the ball exercises, as she really wanted Rocky to wait until Halloween.

‘You better squeeze him out, baby’s gonna be 10 pounds,’ Travis joked as the morning progressed.

They decided to leave the hospital while things were stalled, but first they left to eat at Crossroads.

Once they were home, Kourtney revealed that they showered and then had sex.

‘That helps sometimes,’ she said with a sly smile.

Finally, it was October 31, and Travis told Kourtney that Rocky ‘thinks today is the day.’

But he had second thoughts on the way back to the hospital. 

‘We said it too much that his birthday was gonna be on Halloween,’ Travis mused on the ride over.

The Blink-182 member had an odd way of calming his nerves while he waited for Kourtney to go into labor.

He had brought along his drum practice pad and began banging out rudiments at the the same tempo as Rocky’s heartbeat.

Many women in labor might have found the din unbearably annoying, but Kourtney was on the same page as her husband.

She said she found the drumming soothing, and she said Travis’ practice had helped her fall asleep in the past. 

Before Rocky arrived, she reflected that they were ‘too afraid to feel it’ after she got pregnant because they worried it was ‘too good to be true,’ especially after they had given up on IVF treatments.

While she was on her side in her hospital bed and being attended to by a nurse, a faint splashing sound was heard on the soundtrack, and Kourtney said she finally broke her water, indicating that Rocky was arriving soon.

Kourtney had planned for Travis to be the only family member with her in the delivery room, but her plans had a major shake up after a surprise guest arrived — her mother Kris.

Despite gatecrashing the birth, Kris tried to be innocuous by sitting on the other side of the room while masked up and looking at her phone.

In her confessional interview, Kourtney revealed that she got a surprise call from her security that her mother had arrived at the hospital and wanted to join her. 

Kris told the guard she was ‘just in the area,’ so she decided to drop in on the birth.

‘She was not in the area,’ Kourtney grumbled, although she didn’t have the heart to ban her mother from getting to see her grandson be born.

As she waited for the big moment after reaching four centimeters dilation, Kourtney confessed to Travis that she had been craving some Ritz Bits crackers since the day before.

As it got closer and closer to midnight, Kourtney admitted: ‘I think Rocky wants to be November first.’

Travis agreed: ‘Yeah, he doesn’t want to be the King of Halloween.’

But there was still a slim chance after her doctor decided to induce her at 11:45 p.m.

Kourtney was surprised when Travis, who had been playing music in the hospital room all night, switched to exclusively Frank Sinatra as Rocky’s arrival was imminent. 

Despite her best efforts, Kourtney gave birth just one minute too late for the baby to be the Halloween King, and Rocky Thirteen Barker entered the world at 12:00 a.m. on November 1.

After the lengthy birthing process and the joyous moment of meeting Rocky, Kris comforted her daughter in her inimitable way.

‘Do you want a Cheez-It or whatever you call them?’ she asked her daughter.

But Kourtney admitted later that she was glad her mother was there, as Kris had a calming effect over the proceedings.

Later, during her confessional interview, Kourtney paused to FaceTime Travis, and he gushed that Rocky’s birth was ‘one of the best days’ of his life.

He added that he wanted to watch the show’s footage of the birth. 

‘I want to know what song he popped out to,’ Travis explained.

They determined the song was Sinatra’s performance of That’s Life, the title track of his classic 1966 LP

‘The song just came up in the playlist and we were like, “What a perfect song,”‘ Kourtney recalled.

As Travis sat in the hospital bed and cuddled little Rocky, Kourtney beamed with love for him after the fact during her interview.

‘I have the most amazing and supportive husband I could ever dream of,’ she said sweetly. 

She gave thanks, adding that ‘the way that it all happened is just such a reminder that God’s timing is everything.’

In the preview for next week’s episode, Kim plans the family’s popular Christmas Eve Party with imported snow for a full white Christmas, but thunder on the horizon threatens to ruin the outdoor bash.

Meanwhile, Khloé was once again at home with her kids and her brother Rob Kardashian’s daughter Dream.

While visiting her, Kim claimed Khloé’s kids rule her life. 

‘Live your f***ing life! Get out!’ she shouted at her younger sister.

Then all the women were about to take a family vacation, but something went awry as Kylie joined them on the private jet. 

‘I just have a really bad feeling,’ Kylie confessed, before getting off the plane with no explanation.

The very last moment of the episode was a humorous tag in which one of Khloé’s confessional interviews was interrupted by a spider descending in front of her.

Luckily, a crew member apprehended it and saved her, but not before they poked fun at her frightened expression with a freeze frame.

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Source: USA Today

Insurable Interest: A Key Concept in Insurance

Insurable interest is a fundamental principle of insurance contracts that ensures the legitimacy and fairness of insurance transactions. It refers to the legal right or financial interest a person or entity must have in the subject matter of the insurance contract. The concept ensures that the policyholder has a stake in the preservation or protection of the insured property or life. Without insurable interest, an insurance policy would not be valid or enforceable.

Key Aspects of Insurable Interest

  1. Definition and Requirements
    • Definition: Insurable interest is a financial or other interest that one party has in the life, property, or liability that is the subject of insurance.
    • Requirements: It must be present at the time the insurance policy is issued. The policyholder should have a reasonable expectation of financial loss if the insured event occurs.
  2. Examples of Insurable Interest
    • Life Insurance: A spouse has an insurable interest in the life of their partner because their financial security is tied to that person’s life.
    • Property Insurance: A homeowner has an insurable interest in their home and its contents because they own them.
    • Business Insurance: A company has an insurable interest in the health of its key employees, as their loss would affect business operations.
  3. Purpose and Importance
    • Protection Against Moral Hazard: Ensures that the policyholder has a genuine interest in the preservation of the property or life, thus reducing the likelihood of fraudulent claims.
    • Legitimacy of Insurance Contracts: Guarantees that insurance contracts are not merely speculative bets on the occurrence of an event.

Types of Insurable Interest

  1. Personal Insurable Interest: Direct and personal, such as a spouse having an interest in the life of the other spouse.
  2. Financial Insurable Interest: A business owner has an interest in their inventory or machinery as loss would impact the business financially.
  3. Property Insurable Interest: An individual has an interest in their home or car.

Legal Implications

  • Life Insurance: Some jurisdictions require insurable interest only at the inception of the policy, while others require ongoing insurable interest throughout the policy term.
  • Property Insurance: Insurance contracts may require insurable interest to be maintained throughout the duration of the policy. Failure to comply could result in the invalidation of claims.

Application in Insurance Policies

  • Underwriting Process: Insurable interest is a key consideration during the underwriting process to assess risk and establish premiums.
  • Claims Process: Insurable interest ensures that claims are legitimate, reducing fraudulent claims and ensuring that policyholders have a genuine financial stake.


Insurable interest is a foundational concept in insurance that ensures the integrity and validity of insurance contracts. It safeguards against moral hazard, establishes fairness in insurance transactions, and ensures that insurance policies provide genuine protection to policyholders. Understanding and applying insurable interest in insurance contracts is crucial for all parties involved, ensuring the protection and legitimacy of the insurance industry.

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